
由七个跨学科团队组成, the 多元化,公平和包容司 supports the core pillars of fostering 包容 practices and climate; providing relevant programming and engagement; and fostering the learning and development required to help us reach the University’s strategic priority to create an intentionally diverse, 包容, 以及公平的学习和工作环境. 了解更多皇冠投注的部门如下.


CFV促进不同信仰间的接触,并为每一个需要指导的人提供一个安全的空间, 指导, 或反射, 不论宗教(或非宗教)归属.


性别平等运动和拉丁裔学生会等学生组织的所在地, 多样性中心作为皇冠投注牛头犬致力于推进所有DEI目标的物理空间.


该中心是解决系统性种族主义问题的机构指挥中心. 它的倡议包括支持皇冠投注的黑人学生, 教师, 和工作人员, 举办研讨会, 与来访的黑人知识分子进行讨论, 培训课程, 健康活动.


世界动物卫生组织负责促进和确保大学社区内所有个人的公平和平等待遇. 它的主要作用是预防, 回应, 并纠正与偏见有关的问题, 歧视, 骚扰, 以及基于种族等受保护特征的不平等待遇, color, 性, 性别认同, 性取向, 国家的起源, 残疾, 宗教, 和年龄.





与教务长办公室合作, each college and the library have a DEI 教师 director who serves as a champion for DEI efforts within their respective unit which includes but isn’t limited to acquiring and reviewing DEI-related data to inform and guide college specific DEI strategies; advocates for the hiring, 所有教员的保留和发展, staff and students especially those from underrepresented identities; and works collaboratively with other colleges and units on programming and initiatives that work toward our collective DEI related goals and strategies.


DEI倡议和参与团队负责开发, 监督, and executing large scale campuswide DEI activities and programs which includes the DEI in Action series and the DEI 创新 Fund; leading and developing engagement and inclusion strategies for campus employee resource groups; and providing leadership to strategically engage underrepresented 皇冠投注 graduates, 捐助者, 和朋友.